July 11, 2009

Aloha for the last time :(

Our 16 days in Hawaii has come to a close. As I type this the sun is setting and the air is starting to cool off (82f) and you all are probably sleeping a nice sleep (since we can see that it is only 12 in F'ton... WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? Isn't it summer?)

There are not many pictures today since all we did was relax by water. We spent most of the afternoon on the beaches (picture below).

Final thoughts from me... Francis
If you can possibly make a trip to Hawaii even for a week, you must do so! To see the beaches, the colour of the water, the flowers and sea life and then to have the powerful volcanos all in the same place... well that is what life is all about isn't it.

Final thougths from Greg...
"Follow your dreams!" This trip to Hawaii has brought to life the dreams and aspirations, I've had about visiting Hawaii. From the Hawaii 5-0 TV show, to the current moments and memories we've made this week, all is now a reality. The feelings of walking on a crater that once spewed hot molten lava just over 20 years ago, to seeing the laval at night splashing into the water, how awesome and breathtaking this was. Feeling the thrill and yes, fright, of first lifting my feet off the platform of the zipline, was another awesome experience that I'll never forget. So follow your dreams... they may come true some day..

Final thoughts from Mike...
What can I say; Hawaii is truly a paradise on earth!! The diversity of the island is a travellers dream; From the beautiful beaches of Maui, to viewing the valcano lava flow; the variety is endless...Always something new and exciting to explore....
I highly recommand Hawaii to anyone looking for a relaxing and adventurous vacation...
Bye Maui...and hope to see you again.....

While in Maui the "boys" stayed at the wonderful Maui Coast Hotel and thanks to Jeff we got a room upgrade. The staff are wonderful; from Penny when I made the reservations to Edwin, Lance & Jeff... all super folks.

See you all when we get home!

"Book 'em Dano!"


  1. Hawaii!! You had me at Aloha.
    See ya when you get home and thanks for taking us along on your adventur. Tony

  2. On July 11 at 11:15 PM I was waiting patiently ( with tears in my eyes ) for the boys to get of the plane. No boys!!! Spoke to the flight attendant, surprise surprise the boys are arriving July 12 at 11:15 PM. Will see you then, no tears in my eyes. PS: It is raining. Welcome home. Bob


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