We are back...
The morning here in the rain forest is so fresh. It seems to rain hard at night and the morning is like you are on fresh oxygen. It was getting sunny and hot by the time we started out to the Volcano Park at least it was at sea-level. By the time we reached the 3500 ft park it was totally the opposite of what was at sea-level. Yes, we almost froze, drizzle and wind and about 15 C. We did have pants on however, since they said it would be a good idea when walking on lava. Our first stop is the Kilauea crater/caldera (that is the picture with the smoke coming from it). There is no lava flow here anymore but the lava flows underground for about 15 miles and comes out near the ocean. You can see that in the pictures of us on lava flows near a road. They were all taken on a now closed road (which lava claimed back in the 80s). While in the park we visited a few other craters and steam vents. All were amazing and you could just imagine the power of the core of our planet!
There is a picture of Greg and I in a lava tube. At one time hot lava (2100 F) ran through these tubes. Then the volcano stopped pumping and the lava continued to run out of the tube. After 100s of years… you get left with cave like tubes.
The last picture you might need some explanation with is the ones of the petroglyphs. They were carved in the lava about 500 years ago (so they say).
Our new place doesn’t seem to have working internet, so we are only going to be posting every few days. Today is Wednesday and we will post Monday and Tuesday. We might only get to post next on Friday (depending if we can find a wireless spot or not).
So incase you thought we were swallowed up by lava… nope we are doing just fine.
There is a picture of Greg and I in a lava tube. At one time hot lava (2100 F) ran through these tubes. Then the volcano stopped pumping and the lava continued to run out of the tube. After 100s of years… you get left with cave like tubes.
The last picture you might need some explanation with is the ones of the petroglyphs. They were carved in the lava about 500 years ago (so they say).
Our new place doesn’t seem to have working internet, so we are only going to be posting every few days. Today is Wednesday and we will post Monday and Tuesday. We might only get to post next on Friday (depending if we can find a wireless spot or not).
So incase you thought we were swallowed up by lava… nope we are doing just fine.
Was kinda worried the lava had swallowed you up but I should have known it's no match for you three. Love the pics, btw. Tony